Resvology Age Corrective Eye Cream (Crema para el Contorno de ojos)

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Resvology Age Corrective Eye Cream (Crema para el Contorno de ojos)

This product was sent for reviewing purposes. I'm not being compensated.
Este producto fue enviado para reseña. No estoy siendo compensada por esta entrada. 

During the transition from spring to fall, the contour area around my eyes becomes very dry. I have tried many eye creams, but I have to admit that finding one that gives me the right amount of moisture has been hard to find. About a week ago, I received a sample of Resvology Age Corrective Eye Cream, and I like that it does a great job at moisturizing the area around my eyes, something that I have not been able to get from other eye creams.

During application, the cream applies smoothly. I have noticed that it also makes the application of concealer easier. After a week of use, I feel that the area under my eyes feels a bit more firm, and it remains hydrated throughout the day, which is extremely important for me during the fall and winter season.

This cream if formulated with a molecule that minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also has botanical properties that helps fight dark circles and gets rid of puffiness. I have not seen my under-eye wrinkles disappear; however, I have only tried it for a week. What I have seen is the difference in the texture and overall feeling of my under-eye area. When I put on makeup, I do not have to worry about that area looking dry.

I also really like the packaging. I like that it has a pump that allows me to control the amount of product I use. What I don't like is the price. At $ 89 USD it seems to be a little high for the average woman; however, I think it definitely fulfills many of its promises.

So, my question to you is, which is your favorite eye cream? Is an eye cream a staple in your skincare products/routine? 

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Durante la transicion de verano a otoño/invierno el contorno de mis ojos se vuelve super seco. He provado varias cremas y no me ha sido facil encontrar una que me hidrate lo suficiente. Hace una semana recibi la crema Resvology Age Corrective Eye Cream y esta crema hidrata el contorno de mis ojos perfectamente.

Me encanta aplicarme este producto por que se desliza con facilidad y me deja el area del contorno de ojos super hidratada, y lo mejor es que se mantiene hidratada durante el dia. Despues de una semana de uso, siento que el contorno de mis ojos si ha mejorado, ya que veo que mi maquillaje se ve menos seco en esa area y, como mensione, me mantiene el area hidratada.

Esta crema esta formulada con una molecula que minimiza la apariencia de lineas de expresion y arrugas. Tambien tiene propiedades botanicas que ayudan a combatir las ojeras y bolsas de ojos. Personalmente, no he visto resultados visibles en lo que se refiere a la disminucion de lineas de exprecion, pero solo la he usado por una semana. Lo que si he visto es que el area de mis ojos se siente mas suave y menos seca.

Otra cosa que me gusto fue el empaque, ya que tiene una "bomba" (pump) que ayuda a dispensar la cantidad de producto necesaria. Lo que no me gusto fue el precio. A $89 USD se me hace un poco cara para las mujer de hoy. Sin embargo, si tengo que aclarar que cumple varias de sus promesas!

Mi pregunta para ti es, cual es tu crema para contorno de ojos favorita? Utilizas cremas de ojos en tu día a día?

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